Common User

Me rambling on.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Send us or tell Us for Red Nose Day

Originally uploaded by Yes Becky.
Comic Relief have neatly adopted the "Tell Us Where Your Stuff is" model for aggregating photos/videos of the days events for today. As well as pages on myspace, bebo and picza there's the instructions on the "official" site to:

  • Upload your photos to Flickr and tag them RND07
  • Upload your videos to Youtube and tag them RND07
Mind you. So far its not been widely adopted. There are 63 Flickr photos and 16 YT video clips (all uploaded by comic relief staffers). These lovely gingerbread men were found using the rednoseday tag.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Planning Application for new BBC HQ in Salford

Obviously I'm following this rather closely. I'm due to be working here in 2011.
The full 286 page document is available to read here:

Perhaps I'm following it a bit too closely.


Brand Confusion

"BBC Jane Austen Season Trailer"

Last week I did a turn for some of the marketing execs at the BBC illustrating how users are using our brands in interesting ways away from the BBC site. Distributed world, lose control of our brands, how do we retain/measure credit. You know the stuff. I wish I'd been able to use this example then. An ITV trailer uploaded today to Youtube by a costume drama fan who then entitles it "BBC Jane Austen Season Trailer". They've even tagged it BBC. This is despite the ITV1 (and Sainsburys) logo in the final frame. We often trot out in the BBC the example of users who attribute BBC programmes to Sky as a brand. Its not often that it works the other way. Billie Piper, Mansfield Park, A Jane Austen season. It really is very hard to picture this on ITV.
