Nick Robinson writes in his weekly column for
The Times today about his first week of posting daily pieces to his blog.
This week also marked the beginning of a new era for me. I became a blogger. That’s the nerdy word for someone who puts his meandering musings on the internet.
The great joy of it is it that it allows a dialogue to develop through an exciting day between writer and reader. Those clever techie chaps at the BBC have taken a stage further. allowing me to link people to favourite video and audio clips — so I could show you Tony Blair’s PMQ to compare with David Cameron’s first outing. It reminded you that far from over-wheening self confidence Tony Blair displayed real stage fright at the beginning (one reason he was instantly dubbed Bambi).
I hope my blog will become a sort of Pick of the Week for the coverage of politics you wished you’d had the chance to see, hear or read.
It’s something the web can offer that TV simply can’t. It’s hard to say it but I guess we TV people simply have to recognise that it’s the future and we looked like the future — once.
Thankfully the relative low key launch of the Robinson blog has been picked up by other bloggers and a fairly cursory trawl through Technorati over the past few days has gathered almost universally postive feedback.
Another great sign that the BBC is bringing forth two way communication with its audience making a license payer feel that he gets another way to express his point other than on Points of View.
Flying Acqua badger
First podcasting, and now blogging. It looks like the BBC is beginning to embrace new media in a big way as a means of engaging with its viewers/listeners/readers in a variety of different ways, traditional and non-traditional.
The questions in the dozens of entries were asking whether we intend there to be more launches and what are we going to do with (which currently redirects to Nick Robinson). Well further launches are planned for early in the new year and this is a project that is currently taking up most of my time at the BBC.
In news just in, journalism student
Sam Reeves reports that during a visit to Cardiff University this week that my colleague
Pete Clifton (the Head of BBC News Interactive) announced a forthcoming BBC News Editors blog. Pete wrote a groundbreaking column for BBC News;
"From the Editors Desktop" earlier this year where (although not a blog in look and feel) was very much user led in terms of topics and issues and is a model for our thinking for any future blog that we launch. Thanks to everyone who has fed back about this so far. Finally I wouldn't want to give the impression that this Nick's blog is the
first blog at the BBC. Sites such as
IslandBlogging, and
My Africa and others have paved the way.